In this section, you will find all available REST APIs for using the by Unico integration method
In this section, you will find instructions on how to obtain the evidential set from a process in by Unico via the REST API
In this section, you will find detailed documentation on how the Proof Set Retrieval endpoint works in by Unico. This endpoint will provide the proof set of the completed biometric transaction, allowing you to store it for potential future disputes by the end user.
To learn more about the proof set, see the Specification if the evidenctial section.
Your API requests are authenticated using an access token. Any request that does not include a valid access token will return an error.
You can learn more about generating an access token here.
Processes must be created exclusively through backend-to-backend communication, due to our CORS policy, which prevents processes from being created through frontend-to-backend communication.
The evidential set from the biometric capture is only available for consultation via the REST API for 2 hours after the completion of the biometric process. After this period, it is no longer possible to retrieve the user's selfie.
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In this section, you will find instructions on how to obtain the selfie from a process in by Unico via the REST API
In this section, you will find detailed documentation on how the User Selfie Retrieval endpoint works in by Unico. This endpoint provides the user’s selfie, with a watermark, from completed processes, allowing you to use it as support in cases of user disputes.
Your API requests are authenticated using an access token. Any request that does not include a valid access token will return an error.
You can learn more about generating an access token here.
UAT: ;
Produção: .
Processes must be created exclusively through backend-to-backend communication, due to our CORS policy, which prevents processes from being created through frontend-to-backend communication.
The permission to obtain the user's selfie will depend on Unico's internal evaluation. Understand with the person responsible for your project whether you will be able to consume this service;
It is only possible to get the selfie with the watermark;
The user’s selfie is only available for consultation via REST API for 8 hours after the biometric process is completed. After this period, it is not possible to retrieve the user’s selfie.
In this section, you will find how to create a process in Unico via the REST API
In this section, you will find detailed documentation on how the Process Creation endpoint works in by Unico. Note that to utilize the capabilities of the IDCloud platform in this integration method, you only need to change the value of the "flow" parameter when creating the process. Unico will handle the orchestration of all the desired capabilities.
Learn more about using capabilities in by Unico in the Overview section.
Your API requests are authenticated using an access token. Any request that does not include a valid access token will return an error.
You can learn more about generating an access token here.
UAT: ;
Produção: .
Processes must be created exclusively through backend-to-backend communication, due to our CORS policy, which prevents processes from being created through frontend-to-backend communication.
For more information about the scenarios you may receive in the response, refer to the Response Scenarios section.
In this section, you will find how to obtain the result of a process in by Unico through the REST API
In this section, you will find detailed documentation on how the Process Result Query endpoint works in by Unico.
Your API requests are authenticated using an access token. Any request that does not include a valid access token will return an error.
You can learn more about generating an access token here.
UAT: ;
Produção: .
Processes must be created exclusively through backend-to-backend communication, due to our CORS policy, which prevents processes from being created through frontend-to-backend communication.
The content returned in the parameter, referring to the OCR Extraction technology, can be consulted below:
If we are unable to extract a field from the document, it is not listed in the API return.
To implement your business rules, always validate the response from the capabilities by checking the parameters in the following order:
THEN, you can proceed with decision-making by analyzing the authenticationInfo
If you receive state = PROCESS_STATE_FINISHED
, interpret this as an error in the biometric process and attempt the process again.
To enhance your operation's performance, you can utilize our Webhooks and only query the results of processes with a finalized status;
For more details about the scenarios you may receive in the response, refer to the Response Scenarios section.
In this section, you will find examples of CreateProcess requests in Unico
This payload is used to create the following flows:
idlive / id / idlivetrust / idtrust / idcheck / iddocs / idchecktrust / idchecktrustdocs / idcheckserpro.
This payload is used to create the following flows:
idsign / iddocssign / idchecktrustsign / idchecktrustdocssign / creditoconsignado / idcheckserprodocssign.
This payload is used to create the following flows:
idtoken / idtokentrust.
This payload is used to create the following flows:
To use Postman, follow these steps:
Select the POST method.
Enter the URL
Select the Authorization tab.
From the Type dropdown list, choose Bearer Token.
Enter the obtained token in the Token field with the prefix Bearer.
Select the Body tab and enter the data below according to your requirements.
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In this section, you will find all possible response scenarios for completed processes in by Unico
The response examples above consider only processes with state = PROCESS_STATE_FINISHED
and result = PROCESS_RESULT_OK
. To see responses that do not consider only these conditions, refer to the Response Scenarios section
For detailed verification of the API parameters, please refer to the Parameters Specification section.
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In this section, you will find how to obtain the signed document of a process in by Unico through the REST API
In this section, you will find detailed documentation on how the Signed Document Proof Set Retrieval endpoint works in by Unico. This endpoint will provide the proof set of the end user's signature in flows that have the Electronic Signature capability.
Your API requests are authenticated using an access token. Any request that does not include a valid access token will return an error.
You can learn more about generating an access token here.
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In this section, you will find how to obtain the signed document of a process in by Unico through the REST API
In this section, you will find detailed documentation on how the Signed Document Retrieval endpoint works in by Unico. This endpoint will provide the signed document of the end user in flows that have the Electronic Signature capability.
Your API requests are authenticated using an access token. Any request that does not include a valid access token will return an error.
You can learn more about generating an access token here.
If the return of the signed document via by Unico is delayed in processing, we recommend waiting at least one minute after the process is completed before performing the query. Additionally, it is important to set up an automatic retry policy for cases where the signed document is not yet available, such as making up to 10 attempts with intervals of 1 to 5 minutes between them.
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In this section, you will find all the specifications of the evidential set from by Unico
The evidential set is a .pdf document containing authentication evidence of a user who underwent identity validation at by Unico.
Below, you will see how this document is represented, as well as the specification of its return fields:
These evidences can be used to ensure the authenticity of the process.
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Type: CNH
Content: Brazilian National Driving License
String numero;
String rgNumero;
String cpfNumero;
String nomeCivil;
List string filiacao;
Datetime dataNascimento;
Datetime data_habilitacao;
Datetime data_expiracao;
Datetime data_emissao;
String local_emissao;
String categoria;
String renachNumero;
Type: RG
Content: Brazilian General Registration
String numero;
String orgao_emissor;
String uf_emissor;
String cpfNumero;
String carteira_profissionalNumero;
String certificado_militarNumero;
String cnsNumero;
String nis_pis_pasepNumero;
String ctpsNumero;
String ctps_serie;
String ctps_uf;
String titulo_eleitorNumero;
String nomeCivil;
String nome_social;
List string filiacao;
Datetime dataNascimento;
String naturalidade;
Datetime data_emissao;
Type: CIN
Content: Brazilian national Identity Card
string rgNumero;
string cpfNumero;
string nomeCivil;
string nome_social;
List string filiacao;
Datetime dataNascimento;
Datetime data_expiracao;
Datetime data_emissao;
string orgao_emissor;
string local_emissao;
string naturalidade;
string nacionalidade;
Type: Passport
Content: Brazilian Passport
string numero;
string nome;
string sobrenome;
string pais_emissor;
string nacionalidade;
string naturalidade;
Datetime data_nascimento;
Datetime data_emissao;
Datetime data_expiracao;
string autoridade.
Content: Unknown document.
Endpoint to retrieve the signed document in PDF format. Only for flows with electronic signature.
Document ID.
Signed document obtained successfully.
PDF file generated by the system.
Endpoint to retrieve the selfie from the Unico process.
Process ID.
Optional flag to return the raw selfie file.
Selfie obtained successfully.
Content of the selfie encoded in base64.
Type of the image content (jpeg or png).
Endpoint to create a new process at Unico.
Defines where the user will be redirected at the end of the process. Possible values are: A URL (e.g.,, a Schema URL for redirection in native mobile applications (e.g., - the callback must be registered in your mobile app), or no redirection (just include '/').
Flow type. See flow details in the 'Overview' section of this documentation.
The ID of the branch where the process will be created. If there is only one branch associated with the service account, this parameter is not required. If there is a separation of processes by branch, you will receive the branch IDs from the Unico team.
Biometric token identification. Mandatory for the "idtoken" flow and must use an ID from a completed process of any other identity verification flow.
User information.
Identification document type. Use "DUI_TYPE_BR_CPF" for CPF as the identifier.
Identification document value (e.g., CPF number). Must contain 11 characters and be sent without dots or dashes.
User's name.
"Luke Skywalker"
User's phone number. Mandatory if sending a notification via SMS or WhatsApp. Must contain 13 characters and be sent without dots or dashes, in the DDI + DDD + phone number format.
User's email address. Mandatory if sending a notification via email.
Notification information. This parameter is not required if notifications are not needed.
Notification channel. Possible values: NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_WHATSAPP, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_SMS, and NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_EMAIL (it's also possible to send notifications to multiple channels by informing more than one).
Purpose of the process.
Expiration time of the process in seconds from its creation. The value must be in the format "10080s", with "s" at the end. If not provided, the default value of 7 days will be used.
Contextual information about the process. These fields are presented in the user journey, improving conversion by contextualizing the reason for biometric capture.
Defines the currency used to format the price field. For processes in Brazil, use "BRL".
Defines the value displayed in the process contextualization.
Location and language of the process.
Localized information for Brazilian Portuguese.
Defines the information displayed in the reason field of the process.
"Identity validation for personal loan approval."
Array containing document information. All items in the array become mandatory if using any flow with electronic signature.
Object containing document information. Only one envelope per payload is allowed, but multiple documents can be included in the same envelope.
Document information. Multiple documents can be included in the same envelope.
Name of the document to be signed.
Document to be signed, encoded in base64.
Process successfully created.
Information about the Unico process.
Process ID.
The ID of the branch where the process was created. If no value was provided for companyBranchId, this parameter will not be returned in the response.
Selected flow.
Callback URI.
URL for the user journey.
Process state. Possible values: 'PROCESS_STATE_CREATED' - Process created; 'PROCESS_STATE_FAILED' - Process failed.
User information.
Identification document type.
Identification document value.
User's name.
"Luke Skywalker"
User's phone number.
User's email.
Notification information.
Notification channel.
Process purpose.
Authentication information.
Identity verification information.
Authentication ID.
Liveness information.
1:1 validation information.
Behavior alert information.
Process capacities.
Process expiration date.
Signed token containing the necessary parameters to initialize the Unico web SDK, enabling integration via iFrame.
Information about the company where the process was created. Refers to the 'companyBranchId' field.
Endpoint to retrieve the evidence set from the identity verification process by Unico.
Process ID.
Evidence set obtained successfully.
Evidence content encoded in base64.
Type of the evidence content (PDF).
Endpoint to retrieve the evidential set of the signature. Only for flows with electronic signature.
Document ID.
Evidential set obtained successfully.
PDF file generated by the system.
Endpoint to get the result of a process in by Unico.
Process ID.
Process details retrieved successfully.
by Unico process information.
Process ID.
Flow used in the process.
Callback URI.
User redirect URL.
Process state. Possible values: 'PROCESS_STATE_CREATED' - Process created; 'PROCESS_STATE_FINISHED' - Process finished; 'PROCESS_STATE_FAILED' - Process failed.
Process result. Possible values: 'PROCESS_RESULT_OK' - Process successfully completed; 'PROCESS_RESULT_ERROR' - Process completed with error; 'PROCESS_RESULT_INVALID_IDENTITY' - Process failed with Liveness, or inconclusive/no result when flow = ID, or when in flow = IDCheck, there is a divergence taking longer than the set time; 'PROCESS_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED' - Returned when the client uses the flow ID. Process completed with unspecified result; 'PROCESS_RESULT_REFUSED' - When the customer does not recognize the transaction.
Identification document type.
Identification document value.
Person's name.
"Luke Skywalker"
Notification information.
Notification channel.
Process purpose.
Authentication information.
Identity Verification capability result. Possible values: 'AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED' - returned if the flow with Identity Verification is not used or in case of failure; 'AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_INCONCLUSIVE' - unable to accurately determine if the face belongs to the CPF holder. This is the only return where orchestration with Risk Score will occur; 'AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_POSITIVE' - the face matches the CPF holder; 'AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_NEGATIVE' - the face does not match the CPF holder.
Authentication ID.
Liveness capability result. Possible values: 'LIVENESS_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED' - associated with some failure; 'LIVENESS_RESULT_LIVE' - the user was live at the time of capture; 'LIVENESS_RESULT_NOT_LIVE' - the user was not live at the time of capture.
1:1 Validation capability result. Possible values: 'BIO_TOKEN_ENGINE_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED' - returned if the flow with 1:1 Validation is not used or in case of failure; 'BIO_TOKEN_ENGINE_RESULT_POSITIVE' - the user's face matches the reference process; 'BIO_TOKEN_ENGINE_RESULT_NEGATIVE' - the user's face does not match the reference process.
Behavior Alert capability result. Possible values: 'TRUST_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED' - returned if the flow with Behavior Alert is not used or in case of failure; 'TRUST_RESULT_INCONCLUSIVE' - no fraud indicators found for this face; 'TRUST_RESULT_YES' - frauds associated with this face were found.
Risk Score information.
Indicates if the score is enabled.
Risk Score result. A score is only returned in cases where the authenticationResult is AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_INCONCLUSIVE.
Serpro similarity score information. Only returned for flows with idSerpro.
Serpro similarity score result.
Process capabilities.
Information about the use of documents and/or electronic signature.
Document version.
Document code.
Document expiration date.
Document issuance date.
Person's birth date.
Person's legal name.
"John Doe"
RG number.
CPF number.
Document issuance date.
Document issuance location.
Document number.
RENACH number.
Indicates if the document was typified.
Indicates if the CPF matches the document.
Indicates if the face matches the document.
Document ID.
Indicates if the document was validated.
Indicates if the document was reused.
Signed URL for the document.
Indicates if consent was granted.
Document envelope ID.
Document IDs.
Process creation date.
Process completion date.
Process expiration date.
Information about the company where the process was created. Refers to the 'companyBranchId' field used in the creation of the process.