Your API requests are authenticated using an access token. Any request that does not include a valid access token will return an error.
You can learn more about how to generate an access token here.
Production: We
To see all possible statuses, refer to the Enumerated section.
To optimize your application's performance, you can also implement our Webhook to know when to query the Chargeback status.
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Endpoint to check the status of a specific chargeback for a transaction.
Transaction ID associated with the chargeback.
Chargeback ID to be retrieved.
A valid access token. The value must be sent in the format Bearer {token}.
Endpoint to request a chargeback review for a specified transaction.
Transaction ID to be submitted for chargeback.
A valid access token. The value must be sent in the format Bearer {token}.
Chargeback request date and time in ISO 8601 format.
Name of the requestor.
Reason for the chargeback request.
General observations about the request.
Requestor's information.