In this section, you will find additional resources related to authentication.
In this section, you will find all the available endpoints for the Unico IDPay product.
In this section, you will find how to control the IDPay experience through webviews, separated by their respective frameworks.
In this section, you will find how to implement the webview on iOS for using the Unico IDPay product.
In this section, you will find all the use cases and ways to utilize the Unico IDPay product.
IDPay can be used in various use cases and in many different ways. Below, check out the possible use cases and their correlations.
Pre / Super Pre
SDK / Redirect
Pre / Super Pre
Tips to increase your conversion
Make it clear to your customer that the CPF on the order must match the cardholder's CPF;
Contextualize to your customer that they will be able to perform an identity validation to have their order approved. Messaging focused on security tends to yield higher conversion;
Clearly inform your customer that if they do not complete the identity validation, their order may be declined;
Once the user finishes the identity validation, let them know that the order will still be under review.
Web / Webmobile
Pre / Super Pre / Post
"Messages (WhatsApp)"
Web / Webmobile
"Messages (WhatsApp)"
Tips to increase your conversion
Contextualize your customer by informing them that they will be able to complete an identity validation to have their order approved. Messaging focused on security tends to have higher conversion;
Let your customer know that you are using a partner to ensure their identity (preferably, mention Unico to build trust in the process);
Clearly explain to your customer that if they do not complete the identity validation, their order may be declined;
Send identity validation requests as close as possible to the moment of purchase (this also tends to increase conversion);
After the user finishes the identity validation, inform them that the order will still be under review.
Web / Webmobile
Pre / Super Pre / Post
"Messages (WhatsApp)
Web / Webmobile
"Messages (WhatsApp)
Tips to increase your conversion
Contextualize your customer by informing them that they will be able to complete an identity validation to have their order approved. Messaging focused on security typically results in higher conversion;
Let your customer know that you are using a partner to ensure their identity (preferably, mention Unico to build trust in the process);
Clearly explain to your customer that if they do not complete the identity validation, their order may be declined;
Send the identity verification requests as close as possible to the moment of the customer's purchase (this also tends to increase conversion);
After the user finishes the identity validation, inform them that the order will still be under review.
Web / Webmobile
Pre / Super Pre / Post
"Messages (WhatsApp)
Web / Webmobile
"Messages (WhatsApp)
Tips to increase your conversion
Contextualize your customer by informing them that they will be able to complete an identity validation to have their order approved. Messaging focused on security typically results in higher conversion;
Let your customer know that you are using a partner to ensure their identity (preferably, mention Unico to build trust in the process);
Clearly explain to your customer that if they do not complete the identity validation, their order may be declined;
Send identity validation requests as close as possible to the customer's purchase moment (this also tends to increase conversion);
After the user finishes the identity validation, inform them that the order will still be under review.
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Didn't find something or still need help? If you're already a client or partner, you can reach out through our Help Center.
In this section, you will find everything you need to know about Chargebacks.
As highlighted in the previous sections, Unico IDPay offers liability guarantee, ensuring maximum accuracy in the validations performed. Unico's Chargeback protection shields you from potential losses in transactions where the cardholder's identity was incorrectly validated by IDPay.
If a transaction validated by IDPay results in an official chargeback process, properly formalized with the acquirer or card network, the IDPay customer may be reimbursed by Unico for the equivalent transaction amount. This guarantee is applicable upon verification, after proper investigation, that there was an error in the validation performed by IDPay and that Unico was responsible for the incorrect decision.
This additional security demonstrates Unico IDPay's commitment to providing reliability and protection in operations carried out with its solution.
Unico IDPay does not provide reimbursements in cases of self-fraud, meaning when the legitimate cardholder makes a purchase and later disputes the transaction.
When you have received a chargeback request due to fraud and believe that there was an error by IDPay in validating the credit card holder's identity.
Chargeback is the process of investigating a dispute of a purchase/transaction made with credit/debit cards on online platforms, which may result in a reversal/cancellation of the purchase/transaction. Chargebacks can be classified into two main categories:
Chargeback due to Commercial Disagreement: When a transaction needs to be canceled due to an issue in the consumer-to-business relationship. Examples: Goods not delivered, defective goods, purchase cancellation, duplicate purchase, service not provided, etc.
Chargeback due to Fraud: When the cardholder claims that they did not make a purchase in their name, initiating a dispute between the parties (who bears the loss).
Chargeback analysis can only be requested in cases of chargeback due to fraud.
Chargeback analysis can only be requested for transactions that meet all of the following conditions:
The transaction must have been approved (status: approved);
The transaction must have been created within the last 90 days;
The transaction must not have been submitted for another chargeback analysis;
The transaction must be of the "credit" type.
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In this section, you will find all the features of the Unico IDPay product.
Unico IDPay offers a wide range of endpoints, modules, and features, designed to adapt to different scenarios and use cases. Below, we present the key definitions and applications of each feature.
The first major feature of IDPay is to validate each transaction made within the establishment, ensuring that the sale can be processed for that user.
Transactions are organized into different modules, each designed to address specific scenarios and varied needs. Explore the available modules and see how each one can be applied to your use case:
This module performs some pre-validations with the provided data. The returned status will be: waiting or fast-inconclusive. The link for biometric capture will only be provided if we are able to validate the user's CPF/credit card number.
This option can be used in various scenarios, including:
When the provided identification (e.g., CPF) belongs to the cardholder. This flow does not allow the user to provide a new CPF during validation, so if the provided identification is not consistent with the cardholder, it will negatively impact the approval rate;
When you want to minimize friction (opening the IDPay capture experience) without sacrificing approval, maximizing the approval rate of transactions returned as 'waiting';
When IDPay is at the top of its fraud prevention funnel;
In a 100% integrated solution with capture via Webview or iFrame;
Among others.
This module performs all pre-validations with the provided data. The returned status will be: waiting or fast-inconclusive. The link for biometric capture will only be provided if we are able to validate the user's CPF/credit card number.
This option can be used in various scenarios, including:
When the provided identification (e.g., CPF) belongs to the cardholder. This flow does not allow the user to provide a new CPF during validation, so if the provided identification is inconsistent with the cardholder, it will negatively impact the approval rate;
When you want to minimize friction (opening the IDPay capture experience) with a small loss in approval, maximizing the approval rate of transactions returned as 'waiting';
When IDPay is at the top of its fraud prevention funnel. In a 100% integrated solution with capture via Webview or iFrame;
Among others.
This module does not perform any pre-validation when creating a transaction. The returned status will always be 'waiting', and the link will always be provided for the user to perform the biometric capture.
This option can be used in various scenarios, including:
When the provided identification (e.g., CPF) is not necessarily that of the cardholder (this flow allows the user to provide a new CPF during the capture experience);
When you want to use the IDPay capture experience for all transactions;
Preferably for sales recovery;
Among others.
With this functionality, you can onboard your users' credit cards to your digital wallet, ensuring that the card belongs to the correct cardholder.
What differentiates this functionality from Payment Transactions are the endpoints and specific parameters of the REST API, which have been developed to optimally meet the needs of card validation and registration in your solution.
Continue reading with the suggested link below:
In this section, you will find all the technical specifications on how to authenticate in order to use the REST APIs of the Unico IDPay product.
To use IDPay, it is necessary to authenticate via access token, using the OAuth2 authentication system.
Unico's OAuth2 authentication system supports server-to-server interaction between a web application and Unico's services.
For this scenario, you will need a service account, which is a non-personal account that belongs to your application and not to an individual user. Your application calls Unico's APIs on behalf of the service account, so users are not directly involved. This scenario is called 'two-legged OAuth' or '2LO'. Typically, an application uses a service account when the application calls Unico's APIs to work with its own data rather than user data.
This is step zero to begin your implementation, so do not skip this stage.
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In this section, you will find the Postman collection for the REST API to authenticate with the Unico IDPay product.
Download the file below, import it into Postman, and replace the values of the parameters "service_account", "tenant_id", and "secret_key" to test the call.
In this section, you will find the possible errors that may occur when trying to authenticate with the Unico IDPay product.
The errors returned in the request can be identified by the codes below and have the following structure:
Check if the ID provided in the formation of the "iss" is the correct tenant ID, provided during the generation of the private keyยน.
Check with the project manager if the application being used is active.
The "scope" parameter was not provided in the payload of the JWT used in the request.
The JWT used in the request has expired. Check the value provided in the "exp" field of the payload.
The JWT used in the request cannot be validated. Check the provided parameters and make sure it has been signed correctly.
The private key used to sign the JWT in the request is no longer acceptable. Please request new credentials for the account used.
O token jwt utilizado na requisiรงรฃo nรฃo รฉ mais aceitรกvel, pois jรก foi utilizado anteriormente. Gere um novo token para fazer uma nova requisiรงรฃo.
The account used is not active.
The account used does not have the necessary permissions.
The account used has been temporarily locked due to exceeding the number of invalid authentication attempts.
The account used is not authorized to impersonate another user account (remove the "sub" parameter from the payload).
1.2.20 1.2.21
Failed to decode the JWT used in the request. Use a new token by including only the fields specified in the "Mandatory Fields" and "Additional Fields" sections, adhering to the correct naming conventions, semantics, and data types for each field.
The JWT used in the request contains additional fields in the payload that are not allowed. Use a new token by including only the fields specified in the "Mandatory Fields" and "Additional Fields" sections, following the correct naming conventions, semantics, and data types for each field.
The account used has source IP restrictions.
The account used has access date/time restrictions.
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In this section, you will find everything related to the Unico IDPay APIs.
In this section, you will find how to create a service account to authenticate in the Unico IDPay product.
To use server-to-server interactions, you need to request the creation of a service account by contacting the project manager responsible for your company and sending the following information: company name, application name, name, email, and phone number of the person responsible for the application within the company. Separate accounts must be created for the Testing and Production environments.
Once these details are received, a service account will be created to authenticate your application, and we will send an email for you to generate the key pair for the account.
A service account credential includes a unique account name, a company identifier (Tenant ID), and at least one key pair (public and private). After generating the keys, you will only receive the private key (file .key.pem), as well as the payload that should be used to create the JWT. This payload will have the following format:
If you need the public key to configure it in your system, please contact the project manager responsible for your account. It is also possible to generate a public key using the following openssl command:
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Get to know everything about the Unico IDPay product
Unico IDPay is an innovative solution from Unico that combines, in a single verification, both the identification of the shopper and the validation of the credit card's ownership. This approach ensures safer transactions for remote purchases and helps recover sales that could otherwise be lost due to payment inconsistencies.
With IDPay, you ensure that:
The user is live at the moment of the transaction;
The identity matches the credit card holder;
The credit card belongs to the person performing the transaction at your establishment;
The authorized and validated use of third-party cards is possible.
What's more: you are guaranteed liability protection in case of validation errors (for more details, see the "Chargeback" section).
The operation is simple and efficient: a transaction is created from the credit card number and the cardholder's CPF, and IDPay handles the authentication of that transaction, either through facial biometrics or device metadata authentication.
In addition, IDPay is highly flexible and can be tailored to meet different scenarios and needs. Its platform offers a wide range of features that support various use cases, making it ideal for operations that require precision and security.
For a better understanding of IDPay, follow the suggested sequence in the menu below and explore all the possibilities the product offers:
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Here you will find the technical information for the Unico IDPay product REST APIs.
Welcome to the Unico IDPay REST API documentation! On this page, you will find everything you need to know to enhance the security and quality of your applications using our REST API.
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In this section, you will find an overview of the errors you may receive from the endpoints of the Unico IDPay product.
Unico IDPay uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.
As a general rule:
Codes in the 2xx range indicate success with the request.
Codes in the 4xx range indicate incorrect or incomplete parameters (for example, a mandatory parameter was omitted, or an operation failed with third parties, etc.).
Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error on the Unico IDPay product servers.
Unico IDPay also generates an error message and an error code formatted in JSON:
In this topic, you will find the possible errors for the endpoints, separated by their HTTP response.
Start reading to learn more about IDPay.
Check the technical specifications for authentication to use the IDPay APIs.
Check the technical specifications of the IDPay APIs.
See the step-by-step guide to manage the IDPay capture experience.
In this section, you will find all the technical specifications of the IDPay product REST APIs for managing payment transactions.
Your API requests are authenticated using an access token. Any request that does not include a valid access token will return an error.
You can learn more about how to generate an access token here.
The orderNumber field must be filled with the UNIQUE order number of that purchase in the e-commerce system, and using a distinct transactional ID is incorrect.
It is important to pay attention to this field, as it may negatively impact the user experience in the final flow, causing issues with product usage.
Possible impacts include:
Low Conversion:
The order number is used to help the end user complete the flow.
API Errors:
You might encounter errors such as "replicated transaction" if the same order number, BIN, and last4 digits are used.
Note: If the company is configured to reuse transactions with the same data, please refer to the "Transaction Reuse" section.
If the validations determine that biometric capture is not required, the response will have a different status, and a capture link will not be generated, as shown below:
This scenario will occur if you use the Pre or Super Pre modules, for cases where you use IDPay in the Checkout, as specified in the Features section.
It is possible to configure the company to reuse transactions that have the same data, avoiding "replicated transaction" errors. The reuse will occur under the following conditions:
A transaction is being created with the same orderNumber, identity.key, identity.value, company, card.binDigits, card.lastDigits, and value of a previously created transaction.
The previous transaction has not yet exceeded the expiration time configured for the company.
If the transaction to be created and the previous transaction do not meet these conditions, a new transaction will be created. Otherwise, the following are the possible responses:
If the previous transaction is in a final status, such as approved or inconclusive:
If the previous transaction is still in an initial status, such as waiting or shared:
In this last case, the transaction still in an initial status will have its expiration date recalculated, based on the date of this request.
To see all possible statuses, refer to the Enumerated section.
To optimize the performance of your application, you can also implement our Webhook to know when to check the transaction status. See more in the Webhook section.
The evidence set can only be generated for approved transactions.
The link returned for the evidence set is valid for five minutes after it is obtained. Therefore, it is important that this link is not saved, but rather used to download the evidence set.
It is also possible to configure the resending of notifications through the portal, without the need to implement it via API. To understand the possibilities, speak with the person responsible for your project.
Didn't find something or still need help? If you're already a client or partner, you can reach out through our Help Center.
Your API requests are authenticated using an access token. Any request that does not include a valid access token will return an error.
You can learn more about how to generate an access token here.
UAT: ;
Production: .
If the validations determine that biometric capture is not necessary, the response will have a different status, and no capture link will be generated, as shown below:
Your API requests are authenticated using an access token. Any request that does not include a valid access token will return an error.
You can learn more about how to generate an access token here.
UAT: ;
Production: . We
In this section, you will find an overview of the IDPay product integration.
Will you use IDPay at the top of your fraud prevention funnel? Then integrate via Webview or SDK in your Checkout;
Will you use IDPay to recover transactions denied by your fraud prevention system? Integrate it into a flow via WhatsApp;
Short on time and/or resources to implement IDPay fully integrated? Use the product manually in your analysis table operation and ensure you recover your sales.
Will you follow the integrated flow?
using our APIs;
Open the IDPay experience in your application or send a WhatsApp message to your customer.
Will you follow the manual flow?
Create a transaction directly through the portal;
Send the link to your customer via the channel of your choice.
To optimize your integration, you can use to know when the result of your process is completed.
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Didn't find something or still need help? If you're already a client or partner, you can reach out through our .
To view all possible statuses, refer to the section.
To optimize your application's performance, you can also implement our to know when to check the transaction status.
Didn't find something or still need help? If you're already a client or partner, you can reach out through our .
To see all possible statuses, refer to the section.
To optimize your application's performance, you can also implement our to know when to query the Chargeback status.
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error decoding json
The data sent does not match the service contract.
error validating json
Some information is poorly formatted or missing.
invalid phone
The provided phone number is invalid, it must follow the format: 55 DDD NUMBER. For example: 5543999999999.
invalid email
The provided email is invalid.
replicated transaction
The transaction sent already exists and cannot be created again.
max value reached
When the transaction reaches a value higher than the allowed limit.
not allowed
The user does not have permission to perform this action.
company not found
The provided company does not exist.
too many requests
Rate limit reached.
internal error
Internal service failure.
error decoding json
The data sent does not match the service contract.
error validating json
Some information is poorly formatted or missing.
transaction id is invalid
The transaction ID is invalid (format).
not allowed
The user does not have permission to perform this action.
transaction not found
The transaction was not found.
internal error
Internal service failure.
transaction id is invalid
The transaction ID is invalid (format).
transaction status is invalid
The transaction status is invalid (not allowed for generating the proof set).
not allowed
The user does not have permission to perform this action.
transaction not found
The transaction was not found.
internal error
Internal service failure.
error decoding json
The data sent does not match the service contract.
error validating json
Some information is incorrectly formatted or has not been filled out.
transaction id is invalid
The transaction ID is invalid (format).
transaction status is invalid
The transaction status does not allow notification resend (it is already completed).
invalid phone
The phone number provided is invalid, it must follow the format: 55 DDD NUMBER. For example: 5543999999999.
invalid email
The provided email is invalid.
not allowed
The user does not have permission to perform this action.
transaction not found
The transaction was not found.
too many requests
Rate limit reached.
internal error
Rate limit reached.
transaction id is invalid
The transaction ID is invalid (format).
transaction status is invalid
The transaction status does not allow cancellation.
not allowed
The user does not have permission to perform this action.
transaction not found
The transaction was not found.
internal error
Internal service failure.
In this section, you will find information about how the Webhook works for the Unico IDPay product.
The GetProcess articles in this documentation describe a way to retrieve the status of a process by calling an endpoint. This allows polling to receive information about the created processes. This means that the endpoint can be called multiple times for the same process to get the most recent status.
By using webhooks, it is possible to notify a specific endpoint every time the status of a process is changed.
A webhook is a system notification service that enables asynchronous integration between systems, where one system notifies the other through a trigger. This way, webhooks can keep systems updated with the latest information without the need for constant polling for updates.
To configure the webhook, the following information is required:
Notification URL: This is the endpoint used by By Unico for notifications about status updates.
Authentication Type: This is the authentication method used to invoke the endpoint. The following options are available:
Basic Authorization;
API Key;
No authentication.
Secret: Indicates a secret used for authentication. The secret is only required when the authentication type is Basic Authorization or API Key:
For Basic Authentication, it must be sent in the format user:pass
For API Key, it can be sent in two formats:
, when a specific header name is desired;
, when the desired header is Authorization
Retry Settings: Indicates the number of retry attempts in case the endpoint call fails:
Maximum number of attempts;
Interval between attempts (in seconds);
Rate Limit: Maximum number of simultaneous submissions (max: 500);
Timeout: Maximum waiting time for the endpoint response (in seconds).
Status to be notified: You can subscribe to specific statuses to receive notifications. These include:
approved: Transaction approved;
processing: Transaction in processing;
inconclusive: We couldn't perform a conclusive validation;
shared: Transaction shared, waiting for submission;
skipped: The person skipped the biometric capture in the flow;
unknown-share: The person marked that they donโt recognize the purchase;
absent-holder: The cardholder is not present to perform the capture;
expired: The person didnโt complete the capture within the established time and the transaction was expired.
About authentication:
The API can be protected by an authentication method such as Basic Authentication or API Key. A list of valid IPs for access can also be defined for additional protection.
By configuring a webhook on the platform, you can receive information about processes through notifications sent to an API endpoint developed by you to receive these updates.
The information sent by the platform to the API includes:
ID: Transaction ID;
Status: Transaction status.Integration with IDPay
Webhook configuration. After sending this information, the expected response should be synchronous.
The request should be a POST method in a REST API, making it easier and more secure to send the information. All fields should be mandatory. The request body should accept the transaction ID and the status, as shown in the following example:
The response should be synchronous. The status for successful requests should be in the range of 200 to 299. Any other status will be considered a failure, and IDPay will make additional notification attempts (with exponential backoff between them), until receiving a 2xx response or reaching the maximum number of attempts.
Currently, we have a set of statuses, but this set may change in the future. Therefore, it is recommended to make configurable the statuses that the client is interested in to take action. For example, if the intention is to take action every time a capture is successfully completed, this currently happens with the status "processing." However, since this could be modified in the future, it is recommended that the status indicating successful capture be configurable in the system, so a future change to the "captured" status can be easily implemented.
Additionally, we recommend having specific actions for specific statuses and a general action in case the status is unrecognized (for example, assuming that anything different from "processing" and "approved" is inconclusive). This is important because new statuses may appear in the future, and it is not expected for the webhook to break due to this.
Pay attention to the following aspects when developing the API that IDPay will use to notify status changes:
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In this section, you will find all the enumerations related to the Unico IDPay product.
Waiting for information to be submitted
In processing
You have shared the capture, and we are waiting for the information to be submitted.
We were unable to perform a conclusive validation.
Transaction expired
The person skipped the biometric capture in the flow.
The person marked that they do not recognize that purchase.
We were unable to perform a conclusive validation (pre-approval).
When the cardholder is not present to complete the capture.
When a transaction was manually canceled.
The development should account for scenarios where new statuses may appear, creating a rule. For example, if a status different from those mentioned in this article appears, follow a manual flow.
Awaiting analysis
In the process of analysis
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In this section, you will find an implementation example of the authentication for the Unico IDPay product.
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In this section, you will find an overview of how the Unico IDPay product SDK works.
Unico IDPay offers a simple and fast integration. Currently, we standardize integration in applications (mobile or web) through the use of Webview, SDK, and Redirect. This standard enhances the security of your business and customers, abstracting the complexity of handling the users' device camera and capturing selfies.
In our REST API, we provide methods for generating integration links that can be opened and controlled by the applications.
Before moving on to the integration details in your application or website, it is crucial to start by integrating with our API. In this process, two key points will be used:
Create Transaction (CreateTransaction):
Make sure to fill in the redirectUrl field, as it will be essential for the integration flow.
After completing this initial step, you will be ready to continue with the integration in your application or website.
It is important to remember that once the entire flow is completed, you will need to obtain the transaction result via our API to ensure the process is properly concluded.
You can use the API in a sandbox environment to test the features without affecting your production environment.
Didn't find something or still need help? If you're already a client or partner, you can reach out through our Help Center.
In this section, you will find how to implement iFrame and Redirect in your web application for using the Unico IDPay product.
In this section, you will find all the technical specifications of the SDKs available in the Unico IDPay product.
In this section, you will find how to implement the webview on Android for using the Unico IDPay product.
For the Android use case, using a Webview is recommended. After creating the transaction and obtaining the transaction link, the following implementation is recommended:
In your regular flow (where IDPay is integrated), you will open the Webview with the link generated via API.
You can customize how this opening works in the way that best fits your application.
You will monitor if there is a URL change (to the redirectUrl
) and then close the Webview.
Opening a Webview is quite simple:
To control when it is necessary to close the Webview, it can be done as follows:
To do this, it is necessary to enable permissions in the Android Manifest:
Example of how it should look in the app:
It is necessary to have some permissions to function correctly, such as:
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In this section, you will find how to implement the webview on iOS using WKWebView.
For the iOS usage scenario, using WKWebView is one of the recommended approaches.
After creating the transaction and obtaining the transaction link, the following implementation is recommended:
In your common flow (which includes IDPay), you will open the WKWebView with the link generated via the API;
You can customize this opening as needed for your app;
You will monitor if the URL has changed (to the redirectUrl) and then close the WKWebView.
Opening a WKWebView is quite simple:
To control when to close the WKWebView, this can be done as follows:
Example of how it should look in the app:
It is necessary to have some permissions to function correctly, such as:
To learn more, we recommend reading the following articles and documentation:
In this section, you will find how to implement the webview in iOS using ASWebAuthenticationSession.
For iOS usage, using ASWebAuthenticationSession is one of the recommended approaches.
After creating the transaction and obtaining the transaction link, the following implementation is recommended:
In your regular flow (which includes IDPay), you will open the ASWebAuthenticationSession with the link generated via API.
You can customize this opening in the way that works best for your app.
You will monitor if the URL has changed (to the redirectUrl) and then close the page.
To make the flow work, you need to follow the following steps:
The first step is to create the payment authentication controller. To do this, create a class called IDPayAuthenticationController
(or any name you prefer).
Next, import the AuthenticationServices
framework at the top of the class.
Declare the class as NSObject
and implement the ASWebAuthenticationPresentationContextProviding
The result should be:
Open the file where you will perform the authentication and add the necessary imports (in our example, we are doing this in ContentView.swift).
To control the authentication state, we will create a @State property.
Create an instance of the IDPayAuthenticationController class outside the body of the ContentView structure.
To validate the payment, create a function called authenticatePayment.
Remember to change the URL_AUTHENTICATION to the authentication URL received in your transaction and also the callbackURLScheme BUNDLE to the redirect provided when creating your transaction (we recommend using the Bundle Identifier of your app).
It is important to set prefersEphemeralWebBrowserSession to true to ensure a unique authentication per transaction.
Example of how it should look in the app:
Some permissions are required for it to work properly, such as:
For more information, we recommend reading the following articles and documentation:
In this section, you will find all the requirements to use the Unico IDPay product.
To use the Unico IDPay product, there are some prerequisites, which are as follows:
iOS: From version 11.0 (if opened in WebView, iOS 13 and above).
Android: From version 5.1 (if opened in WebView, Android 8 and above).
Desktop: No specific version or OS requirements.
The capture frame provided through the SDK is compatible with the following combinations of browsers and operating systems:
Windows (desktop)
MacOS (desktop)
In general, the SDK supports WebRTC and the latest versions of the browsers listed above. For compatibility and security reasons, functionality in very old versions of these browsers is not guaranteed.
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In this section, you will find how to perform the authentication process for the Unico IDPay product.
After creating and configuring a service account, your application needs to complete the following steps:
Create a JSON Web Token (JWT), which includes the header, payload, and signature;
Request an access token (AccessToken) from the OAuth2 authentication platform;
Handle the JSON response that the authentication platform will return.
If the response includes an access token, you can use it to make requests to Unico's product APIs for which the service account has access permissions. (If the response does not include an access token, your JWT and token request may be incorrect, or the service account may not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resources.)
The access token generated in the request mentioned above has a default validity of 3600 seconds, but this may vary depending on the security configuration set for your company. When the access token expires, your application should generate a new JWT, sign it, and request a new access token from the authentication platform.
A JWT consists of three parts: a header, a payload, and a signature. The header and payload are JSON objects. These JSON objects are serialized in UTF-8 and then encoded using Base64url encodingยน. This encoding provides resilience against encoding changes in cases of repeated encoding operations. The header, payload, and signature are concatenated with a period (.
) character.
A JWT is composed as follows:
The base text for the signature is composed as follows:
The header consists of two fields that specify the signing algorithm and the token format. Both fields are mandatory, and each field has only one value. Service accounts rely on the RSA SHA-256 algorithm and the JWT token format. As a result, the JSON representation of the header is as follows:
The Base64url representation is as follows:
The JWT payload contains information about the JWT, including the requested permissions (scopes), the account requesting access, the issuer, the time when the token was issued, and the token's lifetime. Most fields are mandatory. Just like the JWT header, the payload is a JSON object and is used in the composition of the signature.
The mandatory fields in the JWT are shown in the table below. They can appear in any order within the payload.
The identifier of the service account within the company.
A space-delimited or plus sign (+) list of the permissions the application is requesting. If all permissions of the account are required, use the asterisk (*) symbol for this.
The address of the authentication platform that issues access tokens. This value should always be exactly https://identityhomolog.acesso.io
Common issues that do not work:
Adding a trailing slash at the end of the address:https://identityhomolog.acesso.io/
Using the HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS:http://identityhomolog.acesso.io
The expiration time of the token, specified in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970. This value has a maximum duration of 1 hour after the JWT issuance time. It must be numeric. Common issues that do not work:
Using quotes to delimit the value. For example: โ1524161193โ
is a string and will not work. Whereas 1524161193
is a number and will work.
The time of JWT issuance, specified in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970. This value must be numeric. Common issue that does not work:
Using quotes to delimit the value. For example: โ1524161193โ
is a string and will not work. However, 1524161193
is a number and will work.
Understand how the conversion works for the issuance (iat) and expiration (exp) fields of the JWT, and also see examples of how to use these field values here. In addition, the 'iat' field must represent the current time in the required format, and the 'exp' field must respect the following calculation:
The representation of the mandatory JSON fields in the JWT payload is as follows:
The JSON Web Signature (JWS) specification is the mechanism that guides the calculation of the signature for a JWT. The input content for the signature calculation is the byte array of the following content:
The same algorithm specified in the JWT header must be used for calculating the signature. The only signature algorithm supported by the OAuth2 authentication platform is RSA using SHA-256. It is expressed as RS256 in the alg field of the JWT header.
Sign the UTF-8 representation of the input content using SHA256withRSA (also known as RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN with the SHA-256 hash) with the private key that was created and associated with the service account (the .key.pem file generated from the request received by email). The output content will be a byte array.
The signature then needs to be encoded in Base64url. The header, payload, and signature should be concatenated with a period character. The result is the JWT. It should be as follows:
Here is an example of a JWT token before Base64url encoding:
Below is an example of the JWT that has been signed and is ready for transmission:
It is also possible to use pre-established libraries to create the JWT. As a reference, you can find a list of libraries on the jwt.io website.
After generating the signed JWT, an application can use it to request an access token. The access token request is a POST HTTPS request, and the body should be URL encoded. The URL is shown below:
The following parameters are mandatory in the POST HTTPS request:
Use the following text, URL-encoded if necessary: urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer
The JWT, including the signature.
If the JWT and the access token request are properly formed, and the service account has the necessary permissions, the authentication platform will return a JSON object containing an access token. Hereโs an example of the response from the platform:
The access token returned in the "access_token" field of the JSON object is also a JWT token that should be used in the APIs of Unico's Products. If an error occurs in the request, you can check the error type in the error table by clicking here.
The duration of the access token is variable. Its duration is specified in the "expires_in" field, which is returned along with the access token. The same access token should be used throughout its validity for all API calls to the products.
Do not request a new access token until the validity of the current token is nearing its end. We recommend a margin of 600 seconds (10 minutes). To do this, perform the following calculation:
Where token.exp is the timestamp of the token's expiration.
By default, the token sent to the company lasts 1 hour, but it can be changed. The recommendation is to always use the expires_in as the base and subtract 600s from it to request a new token.
A new access token can be requested when there are 10 minutes left until expiration.
Do not use a fixed time to obtain a new token, as the duration of the received token may be shorter than the established time, which could cause failures when using the services.
ยน According to RFC 4648 for BaseN encoding, the Base64url format is similar to Base64, except that the '=' character is omitted, and the characters '+' and '/' are replaced by '-' and '_', respectively.
ยฒ JSON Web Signature: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515.
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In this section, you will find how to implement the Unico SDK in your web application for using the Unico IDPay product.
For web usage, the recommended approach is to use the Unico SDK for the following reasons:
Higher security;
Integrated experience with your flow;
Higher conversion rate when using the SDK;
Easier implementation.
The use of integrations that do not comply with the standards established in this documentation may result in unexpected disruptions in the system's functionality, which will not be covered or supported by IDPay.
For example: Implementing the Unico by iFrame within a webview, implementing the iFrame through an HTML tag, etc.
To optimize your operation's performance, improve conversion rates, and provide a smoother user experience, it is mandatory to implement the Unico SDK in full-screen mode in your application. Check the example below for the correct implementation:
To use IDPay through the Unico IDPay SDK, the first step is to register the domains that will be used as hosts to display the user journey experience.
Notify the person responsible for your integration project or the Unico support team to make this configuration.
To begin using the SDK, we should start with the installation of the Unico web SDK:
This method allows the SDK to be initialized, regardless of a transaction ID, making the end-user experience smoother. This is because when the transaction ID and token become available, the application will already have been pre-loaded through this method. If this method is not called directly by the application, the end user will experience a long load time when the SDK is opened for the first time.
Receives an object with configuration properties:
The type of flow that will be initialized. Currently, we offer two types of flows (REDIRECT and IFRAME). For new applications, we recommend using the IFRAME type, which makes the end-user experience much smoother and with less friction, as it avoids the need to leave the checkout screen, and the experience can be preloaded.
This method opens the IDPay experience according to the flow type chosen previously in the initialization function. For the REDIRECT flow, this function performs a simple redirect to the IDPay capture flow route. For the IFRAME flow, this function displays the pre-loaded iframe and starts the messaging flow between the customer's page and the IDPay experience.
Receives an object with configuration properties:
Receives the ID of the created transaction. This ID is important to obtain the transaction details and complete the flow correctly (it can be obtained during transaction creation via the API).
Receives the token for the created transaction. This token is important to authenticate the transaction and ensure that only authorized domains use it (it can be obtained during transaction creation via the API).
optional onFinish(transaction, type)
Receives a callback function that will be executed at the end of the IDPay capture flow, passing two arguments:
The transaction object with the following data: { captureConcluded, concluded, id }
The response type, which can be FINISH for cases where the flow was completed successfully, or ERROR for cases where the flow was interrupted by an errorยน.
[1] In cases of an error in the flow, the transaction status will not be changed, and a callback via webhook, if configured, will not be triggered.
After careful analysis of the needs and challenges we face, we decided to adopt a solution based on iFrames with authentication tokens instead of implementing a Content Security Policy (CSP). This decision was driven by several considerations related to security and the flexibility required to meet our clients' demands.
The Content Security Policy (CSP) is a powerful tool to protect web applications against various types of attacks, such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and code injection. However, when configuring a CSP policy, it is necessary to define a strict list of trusted domains. This approach works well when domains are fixed and predictable. However, for our clients who often use dynamic and variable domains, this rigid configuration presents significant challenges.
Dynamic domains pose a substantial security risk when using CSP. When a client has domains that change frequently or are created dynamically, it would be necessary to constantly update the CSP policy to include these new domains. This not only increases the maintenance effort but also exposes the domains that the CSP policy applies to. Each domain added to the CSP policy is potentially a point of vulnerability if not properly managed.
To mitigate these risks and meet the flexibility required by our clients, we opted to use iFrames combined with authentication tokens. This solution provides an additional layer of security and eliminates the need to expose or manage an extensive and dynamic list of domains.
Secure Authentication: Each iframe is loaded with a unique authentication token for each transaction, ensuring that only authorized users can access the content. This token is verified in real-time, providing an additional layer of security and control.
Content Isolation: The use of iFrames allows content to be isolated in a separate context, reducing the risk of interference between different origins and mitigating potential attacks.
Flexibility for Dynamic Domains: By not relying on a static CSP policy, our solution easily adapts to clients' dynamic domains without the need for constant updates to security policies.
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We know that biometric validation performed by a third-party provider can raise doubts and friction with your end users. Therefore, it is important to provide transparency about this process and offer proper support to ensure good results for your operation. Below, you'll find a series of tips that can assist you in this communication:
Communicate that a partner company (preferably mention Unico) may contact the user via SMS, email, or WhatsApp requesting a photo of their face for facial biometric validation.
Inform that, in some cases, they will need to confirm their CPF number, which is used to verify the digital identity of the credit card holder.
Explain that the identity validation is specific to the credit card holder to ensure consent for using the card.
Warn the consumer not to provide any personal information or photos via email, SMS, or WhatsApp. The entire validation flow occurs within the link sent.
Notify/train the customer service team to handle any questions or concerns from the consumer.
Include a section in your FAQ page detailing this validation process.
Provide the link to our help center: www.unico.io/FAQ.
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Didn't find something or still need help? If you're already a client or partner, you can reach out through our Help Center.
In this section, you will find how to implement the webview in Flutter for using the Unico IDPay product.
For the use case using Flutter, it is recommended to use inappwebview
After creating the transaction and obtaining the transaction link, the following implementation is recommended:
In your common flow (which includes IDPay), you will open the inappwebview
with the link generated via the API;
You can customize this opening as needed for your application;
You will monitor if the URL changes (to the redirectUrl
) and then close the inappwebview;
To open an inappwebview
and control URL changes, you can do it as follows:
To obtain camera permission, you can do it as follows:
To obtain camera permission, you can do it as follows:
The following permissions are required for proper functioning, such as:
For more information, we recommend reading the following articles and documentation:
To access the official documentation, click here.
Didn't find something or still need help? If you're already a client or partner, you can reach out through our Help Center.
In this section, you will find all the available customizations for the Unico IDPay product.
It is possible to customize the logo displayed to the end user, as shown in the image below:
To request the inclusion of this logo, you need to send the Unico team an image in .PNG format, with a size of 56x56px.
Throughout the implementation process, it is possible to request the configuration of the color and shape of the buttons in the IDPay interface, according to the companyโs visual identity, as shown in the images below:
To configure this, simply send the following information to the Unico team:
Hexadecimal color code for the button's background.
Example: #000000.
Hexadecimal color code for the buttonโs text.
Example: #ffffff.
Button corner rounding in pixels.
Example: 10px.
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In this section, you will learn how to implement Redirect in your web application for using the Unico IDPay product.
This method of controlling the web experience is being deprecated. For better conversion of IDPay in your application, follow the method outlined in the "SDK" section.
The web version offers the option to use the redirect model, but the iframe model is the most recommended.
When creating the transaction, the redirectUrl field was passed as a parameter, which will be used later. You can use this option.
The window.open()
option consists of opening a new browser tab for the user to complete the capture flow. Once done, the tab will close and redirect back to the previously visited site. We recommend:
Follow the public documentation on this, which can be found here;
Monitor if the URL has changed (to the redirectUrl), and then close the tab using window.close()
When creating the transaction, the redirectUrl field was passed as a parameter, which will be used later. You need to follow these steps:
In your regular flow (where IDPay is integrated), you will redirect the customer to the link generated via the API;
After this, the customer within the IDPay webpage will complete the necessary steps to continue the flow;
Once completed, they will be redirected back to your page (using the redirectUrl passed when creating the transaction).
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Didn't find something or still need help? If you're already a client or partner, you can reach out through our Help Center.
Endpoint to check the current status of a specific transaction.
ID of the transaction to be queried.
A valid access token. The value must be sent in the format Bearer {token}.
Endpoint to create a new transaction.
Valid access token. The value must be sent in the format "Bearer {token}".
Order number associated with the transaction. This data will be used as an index in the portal and can be used as a foreign key between your system and IDPay.
ID of the company responsible for the transaction. This field is provided by Unico.
URL to which the user will be redirected after completing the transaction. Possible values are: An https URL to redirect web pages or a URL Schema for redirection in native mobile applications.
Total purchase value.
Notification phone number. This parameter is optional, and if provided, a WhatsApp notification will be sent to the user.
Notification email. This parameter is optional, and if provided, an email notification will be sent to the user.
User identification data.
Information about the card used in the transaction.
Additional information about the transaction. Currently, the following additional information can be sent: Seller: Information about the seller of that transaction. Seller identification (CPF or CNPJ) can be provided.
Endpoint to check the current status of a specific transaction.
Transaction ID to check the status.
Valid access token. The value must be sent in the format Bearer {token}.
Endpoint to validate a credit card.
A valid access token. The value must be sent in the format Bearer {token}.
Order number associated with the transaction. It will be used as an index in the portal and as a foreign key between your system and Unico IDPay.
Company ID responsible for the transaction. This field is provided by Unico.
URL to redirect the user after completing the transaction. Possible values include an HTTPS URL for web pages or a URL Schema for native mobile app redirection.
Phone number for notifications (optional). If provided, it will be used for WhatsApp notifications.
Email address for notifications (optional). If provided, it will be used for email notifications.
User identification details.
Card details used in the transaction.
Endpoint to resend notifications via email and/or phone for a specific transaction.
Transaction ID for which the notification will be sent.
A valid access token. The value must be sent in the format Bearer {token}.
Phone number to send the notification.
Email address to send the notification.
Endpoint to get the evidence set of a specific transaction.
ID of the transaction for which the evidence set will be retrieved.
Valid access token. The value must be sent in the format Bearer {token}.
Endpoint to request a chargeback review for a specified transaction.
Transaction ID to be submitted for chargeback.
A valid access token. The value must be sent in the format Bearer {token}.
Chargeback request date and time in ISO 8601 format.
Name of the requestor.
Reason for the chargeback request.
General observations about the request.
Requestor's information.
Endpoint to check the status of a specific chargeback for a transaction.
Transaction ID associated with the chargeback.
Chargeback ID to be retrieved.
A valid access token. The value must be sent in the format Bearer {token}.