| Could not parse camera response.
| The user pressed the cancel button and did not complete the session.
| The camera access is prevented because either the user has explicitly denied permission or the user's device is configured to not allow access by a device policy.
| The session was canceled due to the app being terminated, put to sleep, an OS notification, or the app was placed in the background.
| The session was cancelled because device is in landscape mode. The user experience of devices in these orientations is poor and thus portrait is required.
| The session was cancelled because the user was unable to complete a Session in the default allotted time or the timeout set by the developer.
| The session was cancelled because not all guidance images were configured.
| The session was cancelled because SDK was unable to start the camera on this device.
| The session was cancelled because the user was in a locked out state.
| The session was cancelled because of an unknown and unexpected error. SDK leverages a variety of iOS APIs including camera, storage, security, networking, and more. This return value is a catch-all for errors experienced during normal usage of these APIs.
| The developer programmatically called the session cancel API.
| The session was cancelled due to a device orientation change during the session.
| The session was cancelled because the document is not ready.
| The session was cancelled because there was another session in progress.
| The session was cancelled because the camera was opened in an iFrame.
| Connection error, please use HTTPS to connect.
| Browser not supported, please open in another browser.
| Unable to initialize an active liveness session because of an unknown and unexpected license error.
| Unable to initialize an active liveness session because the license has expired.
| Unable to initialize an active liveness session because Origin is not permitted.
| Could not encrypt response.
| Could not get system information.