Installation Guide

In this section, you will find all the information needed to install the Unico IDCloud platform SDK in your Android applications

Development Environment Preconditions

Ensure your development environment meets the following preconditions:

  • Android Studio version 9 or higher installed (the official development IDE from Google);

  • Android SDK version 21 or higher;

  • Unico's Maven repository configured.

Compatible Devices

The Android SDK is compatible with the vast majority of devices running Android 5.0 (API level 21) or higher.

The table below lists the devices tested in our lab, along with the availability of vendor/manufacturer extensions. Some listed extensions may be subject to specific manufacturer APIs or SKUs. Click below to view the tested devices:

Installing the Android SDK

To implement the Unico IDCloud platform’s Android SDK in your Android app, follow the steps below:


Configuring the Maven Repository

The Android SDK is available via a Maven repository. Add it to the repositories block in the root-level build.gradle file:

// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
    repositories {
        maven { 
            url "" 

Enable AndroidX support in your file in the root of your project. This ensures better performance and proper functioning of the capture framework.
# Project-wide Gradle settings.
# Automatically convert third-party libraries to use AndroidX


Camera and Internet Permissions

To use the camera and internet in your project, add the following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />


Adding the Dependency

After configuring the Android SDK, import it into your project by adding acessobio-android to the dependencies block in app/build.gradle.

  • Use the module-specific build.gradle file, not the project-level one:

/* unico */
implementation 'io.unico:capture:$version'

If you encounter the error:

  • Invoke-customs are only supported starting with android 0 --min-api 26

Add the following lines to the compileOptions block in app/build.gradle:

android { 
    compileOptions { 
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 


Obtaining Credentials

  • Contact the CSs and/or Onboarding team.

  • Request the SDK Key by entering the identifiers of your applications. Bundle Identifier for iOS, PackageID for Android and Host for WEB.

  • The identifiers of your applications will be linked to the SDK Key by the Unico team.

  • You receive your SDK Key to implement the AccessBioConfigDataSource.


Embedding Credentials in Your Project

  • Implement the AcessoBioConfigDataSource protocol in your class:

package <package_name>

import com.acesso.acessobio_android.onboarding.AcessoBioConfigDataSource;

public class UnicoConfig implements AcessoBioConfigDataSource {
    public String getBundleIdentifier() {
        return BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER;
    public String getHostKey() {
        return SDK_KEY;
Depracated Method - Java
package <package_name>

import com.acesso.acessobio_android.onboarding.AcessoBioConfigDataSource;

public class UnicoConfig implements AcessoBioConfigDataSource {
    public String getProjectNumber() {
        return PROJECT_NUMBER;
    public String getProjectId() {
        return PROJECT_ID;
    public String getMobileSdkAppId() {
        return MOBILE_SDK_APP_ID;
    public String getBundleIdentifier() {
        return BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER;
    public String getHostInfo() {
        return HOST_INFO;
    public String getHostKey() {
        return HOST_KEY;
Deprecated Method - Kotlin
package <package_name>

import com.acesso.acessobio_android.onboarding.AcessoBioConfigDataSource

class UnicoConfig : AcessoBioConfigDataSource {
    override fun getProjectNumber(): String {
        return PROJECT_NUMBER

    override fun getProjectId(): String {
        return PROJECT_ID

    override fun getMobileSdkAppId(): String {
        return MOBILE_SDK_APP_ID

    override fun getBundleIdentifier(): String {
        return BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER

    override fun getHostInfo(): String {
        return HOST_INFO

    override fun getHostKey(): String {
        return HOST_KEY

Once the SDK installation is complete, proceed to the implementation by reading the following Usage and Integration Guide:

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