Android Customization

In this section, you will find all the information necessary for customizing the SDK of the Unico IDCloud platform in your Android applications

The Android SDK allows for some customizations to be made. Below are all the possible customizations for this SDK.

Customize Language

It is possible to configure the experience of the informational messages in the capture frames by changing their language. Use the enumerated type LocaleTypes, which contains the following values:

  • LocaleTypes.PT_BR: for Portuguese(Brazil);

  • LocaleTypes.ES_MX: for Spanish(Mexico);

  • LocaleTypes.ES_ES: for Spanish(Spain);

  • LocaleTypes.EN_US: for English(USA).

See how to implement it in the example below:


Customize Capture Process Experience

Customize Selfie Capture Experience

This is an optional step, but it is highly recommended to give the capture process the visual identity of your company. You can customize some objects in the frame according to the camera mode used through the setTheme() method.

The supported types for color representation are Color Resource or a String containing the hexadecimal color code. E.g., or #FF0000.

All methods are available below:

IAcessoBioTheme unicoTheme = new IAcessoBioTheme() {
    public Object getColorBackground() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorBoxMessage() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorTextMessage() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorBackgroundPopupError() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorTextPopupError() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorBackgroundButtonPopupError() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorTextButtonPopupError() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorBackgroundTakePictureButton() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorIconTakePictureButton() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorBackgroundBottomDocument() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorTextBottomDocument() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorSilhouetteSuccess() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorSilhouetteError() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorProgressBar() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

It is also possible to make static customizations. In your colors.xml file, add the following code:

<color name="unico_color_background"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_silhouette_success"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_silhouette_error"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_silhouette_neutral"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_box_message"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_text_message"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_background_popup_error"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_text_popup_error"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_background_button_popup_error"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_text_button_popup_error"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_background_take_picture_button"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_icon_take_picture_button"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_background_bottom_document"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_text_bottom_document"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_button_cancel"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_progress_bar_capture"> #YourColor </color> 

Below, check the specification of the customization fields:

Customize Document Capture Experience

This is an optional step, but it is highly recommended to give the capture process the visual identity of your company. You can customize some objects in the frame according to the camera mode used through the setTheme() method.

The supported types for color representation are Color Resource or a String containing the hexadecimal color code. E.g., or #FF0000.

All methods are available below:

IAcessoBioTheme unicoTheme = new IAcessoBioTheme() {
    public Object getColorBackground() { 
        return R.color.your_color;
    public Object getColorBoxMessage() { 
        return R.color.your_color;
    public Object getColorTextMessage() { 
        return R.color.your_color;
    public Object getColorBackgroundPopupError() { 
        return R.color.your_color;
    public Object getColorTextPopupError() { 
        return R.color.your_color;
    public Object getColorBackgroundButtonPopupError() { 
        return R.color.your_color;
    public Object getColorTextButtonPopupError() { 
        return R.color.your_color;
    public Object getColorBackgroundTakePictureButton() { 
        return R.color.your_color;
    public Object getColorIconTakePictureButton() { 
        return R.color.your_color;
    public Object getColorBackgroundBottomDocument() { 
        return R.color.your_color;
    public Object getColorTextBottomDocument() { 
        return R.color.your_color;
    public Object getColorSilhouetteSuccess() { 
        return R.color.your_color;
    public Object getColorSilhouetteError() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

    public Object getColorProgressBar() { 
        return R.color.your_color;

It is also possible to make static customizations. In your colors.xml file, add the following code:

<color name="unico_color_background"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_silhouette_success"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_silhouette_error"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_silhouette_neutral"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_box_message"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_text_message"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_background_popup_error"> #YourColor 
<color name="unico_color_text_popup_error"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_background_button_popup_error"> #YourColor 
<color name="unico_color_text_button_popup_error"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_background_take_picture_button"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_icon_take_picture_button"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_background_bottom_document"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_text_bottom_document"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_button_cancel"> #YourColor </color> 
<color name="unico_color_progress_bar_capture"> #YourColor </color> 

Below, check the specification of the customization fields:

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