
In this section, you will find how to obtain the signed document of a process in by Unico through the REST API


In this section, you will find detailed documentation on how the Signed Document Retrieval endpoint works in by Unico. This endpoint will provide the signed document of the end user in flows that have the Electronic Signature capability.

Getting started

Your API requests are authenticated using an access token. Any request that does not include a valid access token will return an error.

You can learn more about generating an access token here.

Obtaining the Signed Document

Exemplo de um documento gerado:

If the return of the signed document via by Unico is delayed in processing, we recommend waiting at least one minute after the process is completed before performing the query. Additionally, it is important to set up an automatic retry policy for cases where the signed document is not yet available, such as making up to 10 attempts with intervals of 1 to 5 minutes between them.

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