
In this section, you will find how to obtain the result of a process in by Unico through the REST API


In this section, you will find detailed documentation on how the Process Result Query endpoint works in by Unico.

Getting started

Your API requests are authenticated using an access token. Any request that does not include a valid access token will return an error.

You can learn more about generating an access token here.

Process Result Inquiry

Processes must be created exclusively through backend-to-backend communication, due to our CORS policy, which prevents processes from being created through frontend-to-backend communication.

The content returned in the parameter, referring to the OCR Extraction technology, can be consulted below:

If we are unable to extract a field from the document, it is not listed in the API return.


  • To implement your business rules, always validate the response from the capabilities by checking the parameters in the following order:


    • THEN, you can proceed with decision-making by analyzing the authenticationInfo parameter.

    • If you receive state = PROCESS_STATE_FINISHED with results result = PROCESS_RESULT_INVALID_IDENTITY or PROCESS_RESULT_ERROR, interpret this as an error in the biometric process and attempt the process again.

  • To enhance your operation's performance, you can utilize our Webhooks and only query the results of processes with a finalized status;

  • For more details about the scenarios you may receive in the response, refer to the Response Scenarios section.

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