Installation Guide

In this section, you will find all the information needed to install the Unico IDCloud platform SDK in your Flutter applications

Development Environment Preconditions

Ensure your development environment meets the following preconditions:

  • Have the Flutter Developer SDK installed.

Compatible Devices

iOS Devices:

  • iOS: It is compatible with almost all devices running iOS 11.

You can check the list of these devices on Apple's official support channels.

Android Devices:

  • It is compatible with the vast majority of devices running Android 5.0 (API level 21) or higher.

The table below lists the devices tested in the lab, along with the availability of vendor/manufacturer extensions. Some listed extensions may be subject to specific manufacturer APIs or SKUs. Click below to view the tested devices:

Installing the Flutter SDK

To implement the Unico IDCloud Flutter SDK in your Flutter application, follow the step-by-step instructions listed below:


Using the Flutter CLI

To add the Unico Check Flutter SDK to your project, run the following command using the Flutter CLI:

$ flutter pub add unico_check

This command adds the following line to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  unico_check: ^2.0.2


Permissions for Camera and Internet Usage

To use the camera opening method in your project, you must add the permissions before compiling your application. Here’s an example:

<string>Camera usage description</string>


Including the Dependency

After configuring the Android SDK, simply import it into your project. To do this, import the package in your Dart code:

import 'package:unico_check/unico_check.dart';


Obtaining the Credentials

  • Contact the CSs and/or Onboarding team.

  • Request the SDK Key by entering the identifiers of your applications. Bundle Identifier for iOS, PackageID for Android and Host for WEB.

  • The identifiers of your applications will be linked to the SDK Key by the Unico team.

  • You receive your SDK Key to implement the AccessBioConfigDataSource.


Embedding the Credentials in Your Project

To configure the credentials in your project, simply pass the JSON file data as parameters when instantiating the UnicoCheck interface. The parameters should be sent as objects generated from the UnicoConfig method. Check the example below:

  final _configIos = UnicoConfig(
      getBundleIdentifier: "Your BundleIdentifier Ios",
      getHostKey: "Your HostKey Ios"); 

  final _configAndroid = UnicoConfig(
      getBundleIdentifier: "Your BundleIdentifier Android",
      getHostKey: "Your HostKey Android");

  void initUnicoCamera() {
    _unicoCheck = new UnicoCheck(
        listener: this,
        unicoConfigIos: _configIos,
        unicoConfigAndroid: _configAndroid);
Deprecated Method - Dart
  final _configIos = UnicoConfig(
      getProjectNumber: "Your ProjectNumber Ios",
      getProjectId: "Your ProjectId Ios",
      getMobileSdkAppId: "Your MobileSdkAppId Ios",
      getBundleIdentifier: "Your BundleIdentifier Ios",
      getHostInfo: "Your HostInfo Ios",
      getHostKey: "Your HostKey Ios");

  final _configAndroid = UnicoConfig(
      getProjectNumber: "Your ProjectNumber Android",
      getProjectId: "Your ProjectId Android",
      getMobileSdkAppId: "Your MobileSdkAppId Android",
      getBundleIdentifier: "Your BundleIdentifier Android",
      getHostInfo: "Your HostInfo Android",
      getHostKey: "Your HostKey Android");

  void initState() {

  void initUnicoCamera() {
    _unicoCheck = new UnicoCheck(
        listener: this,
        unicoConfigIos: _configIos,
        unicoConfigAndroid: _configAndroid);

Once the SDK installation is complete, proceed to the implementation by reading the following Usage and Integration Guide:

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